Atma Shakti
south haven, Michigan

This waterfront home shares a common issue with other waterfront properties in the area: a significant struggle against coastal erosion. A combination of wave action, surface water run-off, groundwater flow, and wind pose a legitimate threat to the integrity of the coastal bluff and could result in slope failure. BLD was commissioned to formulate a design that will address the coastal erosion problem, enhance the existing habitat, and additionally, create a landscape concept for the residential development.
In order to properly address the problems at hand, we performed an in-depth site study and used our findings to create a suitable solution. Ultimately, the team determined several ecological tactics to be implemented. The installation of irrigation cisterns and vernal pools would assist in mitigating surface run-off, while planting trees and shrubs would serve to reduce wind erosion and help stabilize the coastline, which can be reinforced by an armor stone toe-lock revetment at the bottom of the bluff. These tactics are bolstered by selecting trees that have a strong root system, promote successional ecology in the bluff habitat, and belong to upland biomes such as mixed hardwood forests or prairies and grassland communities. This approach converges an ecological, regenerative solution with an aesthetic sense of place that residents can enjoy.