University Avenue Market Study
Atlanta, Georgia

Scott Bishop worked as Principal in the design study for the University Avenue Market during his time at Stoss. The study explores a total land area of 30.5 acres in the Pittsburgh neighborhood of Atlanta, Georgia. The site is characterized by heavy contamination, steep topography, and buried stormwater infrastructure which affect how the site can be developed. The study depicts opportunities to manipulate these constraints, transforming them into assets through the exploration and creation of innovative site schemes and typologies.
Each of the proposed configurations represent ways in which the efficiency of the site can be maximized while creating open space connections and incorporating both the assets and limitations of University Avenue into the design. Through this investigation, interim uses for the sites were developed in order to begin site activation and to support the sites’ future uses. The site addresses local economic growth and market studies, while incorporating ways in which both public and private use can be part of its transition and potential future.
This project is representative of the type of work that BLD takes on in conjunction with foundations and non-profit organizations that are interested in creating public impact through market-based solutions.